
Cookies Policy

A cookie is a term to describe a message type that is given to a web browser from a web server. Your web browser stores these messages in small texts called cookies. The intended purpose of cookies are to identify users and customize the website or save site login information for users when they visit the website in the future. In this policy we refer to all information gathering files as “cookies”. Cookies are a feature of most websites and usually are required to access the full functionality of the website. By continuing to use this site, you agree to the terms of this Cookies Policy.

There are two categories of cookies:

1. Session Cookies: Which remain on the browser you use to access the website until the browser is closed.

2. Persistent Cookies: Which remain on your computer until they are identified and deleted.

Cookies in themselves are harmless bits of text which can be stored locally and be deleted. In combination, however, they can also provide a user profile and valuable insight into your browsing activities on our website. In line with both the ePrivacy Directive and General Data Protection Regulation governing third party cookies, we describe the cookies we use on our website and what information we receive through the website. Furthermore, we request your consent before installing these cookies onto your device to ensure you have the option to decline installation.

When you create an account with us we use cookies for recording relevant personal data during the sign up process and tracking usage of our website.

Third Party Cookies

We use trusted third party cookies in some of our features as listed below:

Persistent Cookies:

Azure Active Directory: We use these essential cookies for the operation of the platform and without these cookies the platform cannot operate properly.

Unity Analytics: We use these cookies to be able to keep track of and analyse the number of visitors we have on our website and application and how these visitors navigate through the website’s content. These cookies also help us to improve service delivery via our website and application.

For More Information

If you require more information or clarification please contact us on the following preferred communication channels: