
Christoffer Mohammar
Business management and legal affairs

More than 20 years of working experience, with a background in FinTech, corporate finance and law firms.

Broad and deep experience from global financial markets with a tech focus. The past eleven years as General Counsel in TriOptima, a mature global, leading and regulated FinTech company, supervised by the Swedish FSA and US CFTC.

Helped building TriOptima’s business, strategic partnerships and client base, and its operational, governance and documentation structure, having full budgetary responsibility for the General Counsel function and its employees. The function had very close ties to TriOptima’s business management functions as well as to TriOptima’s technology and InfoSec functions.

Solid management and leadership experience: Member of TriOptima’s management team between 2007 and 2010 (in 2010 the company was acquired by ICAP plc, at the time a FTSE-100 listed inter-dealer broker), of TriOptima’s InfoSec committee since 2009, of TriOptima’s Business Management function since 2012, of NEX’s (the parent group’s) regulatory affairs committee since 2014 and of NEX’s regulatory think tank since 2016.

Proven track record in establishing new and cutting edge structures, such as the group’s MSA. Proven track record in lobbying authorities, including having changes made to EMIR and MiFID/R.

TriOptima’s portfolio of services was offered to +1,000 banks and other financial institutions, such as the G15 banks and international clearing houses.

TriOptima’s services were world leading in post-trade risk management. For example, TriOptima has been providing critical infrastructure to financial market participants and its compression service has helped delete OTC derivatives in excess of 1,000 Trillion USD in notional amounts (more than 13 times the global GNP).

A well established network within Sweden and globally.

Member of reference groups, including the Swedish Government’s EMIR and MiFID/R reference groups and the Swedish FSA’s FinTech regulatory think tank. 

Organisational management and leadership – Sara Mohammar